We offer landscaping , maintenance and design for residential and commercial

TCEQ Lic Irrigator #LI0015782 

TDA #0436936


Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


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Outdoor Lighting Redefined

TLC Partners with outdoor lighting – outdoor audio – TLC Lawn Care

Our TLC Lawn Care experts have partnered with Coastal Source to bring South Texas the technology in outdoor living. Our outdoor lighting and audio products will transform your backyard into an oasis.

Proving the best landscape lighting in San Antonio, Laredo, Corpus Christi, and the Rio Grand Valley.

Outdoor landscape lighting:

The reasons to invest in landscape lighting design are both aesthetic and practical. Light brings beauty, safety,  and security to your gardens. Lighting your garden opens up possibilities. Your garden is a different place at night. It sounds different. It looks different. Well-designed outdoor lighting makes it possible for you to share the tranquility of this “other” garden with family and friends. 

Landscape lighting ensures that you and your guests enjoy your outdoor spaces safely. A well-planned lighting system will guide them along pathways, through steps,  and over changes in topography. We know from experience that a thoughtfully designed lighting installation will transform your night garden into a gathering place where you will make family memories that last a lifetime. 

Reclaim your outdoor space with new lighting. 

outdoor audio - TLC lawn care

Outdoor Audio:

Quality sound is much different than just sound. Why should beautiful sound be confined to your home? Whether controlled from your smartphone or integrated into your existing home audio system, Coastal Source Outdoor Audio products can be tailored to fit your outdoor environment. 

Perfect for All Listeners

You are going to love owning an audio system that delivers a distortion-free, balanced sound  with all types of music at all volume levels. No other system can handle all your needs so easily and enjoyably. 


to operate



Sonos, Airplay, and
Bluetooth compatible

Our sound system capitalizes on the acoustic advantages of outdoor environments that are not impacted by the unwanted reflections and distortions of sound caused by interior walls.  But can a system that produces such beautiful sound last outdoors? In this case, yes, because ours is not an indoor speaker design adapted for outdoor use. Inside and out, the parts and engineering are built for the outdoors only. So you enjoy stunning performance plus reliability  and longevity!


Hear the Difference